Flora Defense 0.4 - Spirits

New content

New System - Spirits

Spirits introduce a new mechanic that will provide passive bonuses to your flora. The intention of this system is to provide a small number of randomized strong powerups that the player can adjust their defense to exploit. Future content will expand on this system

Current spirits in the game:

  • Starving - added Lifesteal to attacks
  • Vicious - percent increased damage to attacks
  • Imbued - chance to doublecast spells
  • Void - small chance to avoid received damage
  • Reflective - chance to reflect a portion of received damage
  • Eternal - added health regen

New System - Mana overflow

Mana overflow is the mana that has leaked into the environment from plants or from artifacts, as it increases it will cause changes in the local situation. Currently the impact of mana overflow is limited to attracting spirits that will assist the player.

  • At specific thresholds a spirit will be attracted
  • Higher thresholds will require higher mana production or more enemy artifact presence
  • Spellcasting flora will reduce the potential amount of overflow by consuming mana

Sounds have been added to the game.

Free version of Flora Defense

The free version limits player level to 20 which could be reached after several hours of playtime. The player can continue to enjoy the game but will not gain any experience after reaching the cap.


  • Tidied up display of large numbers for biomass
  • Production of mana for Mana Node and its adaptions doubled
  • Consumption of life influence for Mana Node and all adaptions doubled
  • Added a square range indicator for Volanth Sac
  • Walltrunk has been replaced with Vinewall - same purpose with a more fitting appearance

Bugs Fixed

  • Mana Node adaptions will now generate more mana after levelling up


Flora Defense 4.0.zip 4.9 MB
May 01, 2021
Flora Defense 4.0 free.zip 4.9 MB
May 01, 2021

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