Update 0.3.1 - Preparing for free limited version

This update focused on improvements for early to mid level players and introduced new tooltips. The next update will include a version of the game that can be downloaded for free, player level will probably be limited to 20.

New content

  • New Burst Pod adaption - Cluster Pod; multiple bursts of instant, magic damage
  • Added hover info for optional difficulty settings in the setup menu
  • Added hover info for map levels that haven't been unlocked
  • Added hover info for active enemy Artifacts
  • Swarm optional difficulty setting implemented
    • Increases the amount of spawned enemies with a focus on lower tiers
    • Time between individual enemy spawns is reduced as the size of waves increase in scale
    • Reduces the max HP of all enemies by 40%


  • Increased the rate of fire influence growth to make artifacts have a bigger impact
  • Increased the exp bonus from optional difficulty settings
  • Adjustments to GUI positioning in main menu and the play setup menu
  • Tidied up hover info UI
  • Rearranged several upgrades to make earlier level ups more game changing
  • Mana bar will be invisible until mana production begins
  • Further Increased the experience bonus from armoured enemies and swarm optional difficulty settings

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a crash caused by Mana Node
  • Fixed Burst Pod updating stats incorrectly
  • Fixed black lines appearing on all images, was related to camera values


Flora Defense.zip 4.4 MB
Sep 29, 2020

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